Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Only brothers fight like that!

We take many trips to the zoo each year.  My kids love it.  Jackson refers to the zoo as going to see "his animals."  One of our trips to the zoo last year was very eventful.  We heard the lion roar and saw a rhino pee, but the part that my boys liked the best occurred with the monkeys.  One of the big monkeys was chasing a little monkey around...and you see where this is going.  Dominick was saying that they were wrestling.  The little monkey was not liking it and kept escaping and then the big monkey would chase her.  Finally he caught her and pinned her down right in front of the window.  All of the other parents were taking their kids away from the window, however, I couldn't get my kids to walk away.  They were laughing hysterically with their little faces and hands plastered to the window.  So I did what every good parent would do and I stopped trying to get them to walk away and I got out my camera and started taking pictures.  Don't judge me.  Dominick kept laughing at the wrestling.  But the best part came at the end when the  big monkey let the little monkey go and we had the following conversation.  "Mommy those monkeys are funny, they must be brothers" says Dominick.  I ask why he would think that and he says "only brothers would fight like that."  Through my laughter, I tell him "yes, you're probably right."

At the beginning of this year on one of our trips to the zoo there was a new baby monkey in the same cage that we witnessed the wrestling.  I think we may have seen that monkey being conceived.  I can't verify that, but I'm pretty sure.  We're going to Austin in a couple of weeks and plan on checking out the Austin zoo.  Hopefully it's just as entertaining.

Conversations with Jackson, or any 3 year old for that matter, are typically very funny.  He will argue with you all day about something that he thinks is correct.  The other day we were in the car and he made a comment about "his baby" (Vettori) and I misunderstood him and I thought he was saying that he was a baby.  So I said "you're not a baby" and he said "no I'm a big boy."  A few minutes later he says "I'm not a big boy, I'm Jackson Jones." I respond with "yes, you're Jackson Garrett Jones." He argues with me "I'm not Jackson Garrett Jones, I'm Jackson Jones."  I say yes you are and we go through this one more time.  I then say "I named you, I think I know you're name," and he argues "you didn't name me."  So I ask him, "who do you think named you then?"  He thinks about it for a minute and then puts his hand up and says "just don't talk to me" and turns his head toward the window.  Really??? Just don't talk to me???  I didn't think that we'd have conversations that ended like that for at least another 10 years or so.  I'm just not sure what to do with that. 

I tend to kill any plant that comes into my house or yard, but I decided that I am going try some gardening.  I'm not sure what grows when in North Texas, so I sign up for a seeds of the month deal where they send you seeds that will grow in your area each month.  Yes, I'm that lazy that I don't want to do any research or have to walk further than my mailbox to get seeds.  Anyway, when I get my first packets in the mail, I'm very excited and I show John.  His response is "I don't know why you would waste money on this.  You don't have a green thumb, you have a black thumb.  You are like the Grim Reaper of plants.  In fact, I think your black thumb even has it's own little tiny sickle."  Thanks for support honey!  Love you too.

Until next time.....

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