Wednesday, November 2, 2011

You're not a're a mommy.

Have I really not blogged since September 2nd?  For real???  I don't even know where to begin. 

Jackson has had some funny  moments recently.  The other day he was laying on the couch and John was sitting beside him and he started to kick him, not hard, but that annoying little kick over and over again.  John tells him to stop and he doesn't.  So I say, "Jackson stop kicking your dad."  He responds "I'm not kicking him, I'm pushing him with my feet."

Jackson is very into Jake and the Neverland Pirates on the Disney Channel.  He was a pirate for Halloween.  We play Jake and the Pirates all the time.  He has quite an imagination.  He assigns us characters.  He is always Jake.  John is always Captain Hook (which Jackson pronounces Cackan Hook).  This way they can fight and he can yell at John.  Vettori gets to be Izzy...Jake's cute girl sidekick who wears a pink bandanna and hoop earrings and cute boots.  When I ask who I get to be he always assigns me Cubby...a short, kinda chubby little boy who is inept at most pirate things.  Really Jackson?  When I ask why Vettori is Izzy and not me he says "because sister is a girl."  What?  I say I'm a girl and he says no you're a mommy.  I say well I'm not a short chubby little boy and he laughs, tells me I'm silly and says that I have to be Cubby.  Then he proceeds to boss me around and yell at me "Cubby row my boat" or "Cubby go fight Cackan Hook" or "Cubby go get me the treasure map."  And the list goes on and on.  When Dominick is at our house I typically suggest that Dominick be Cubby and Jackson says "no he can be another Jake."  Seriously?  So I usually ask if I can be another Izzy and he tells me no because Izzy is a girl and I'm a mommy.  At least I know my role....and apparently so does he. 

Jackson took his role as pirate for Halloween very seriously.  He was so proud of his costume and very excited that he got to wear it 3 days in a row.  I'm sure we'll be wearing it again soon to the grocery store or who knows.

Here's a cute one of all of them together.   We had the cutest little double scoop of ice cream, the best pirate and the coolest rock star out there.

I was going to get Vettori a little pig or elephant costume because I thought it was super cute since she's a little fatty.  John told me that it was child abuse and it would give her a complex when she's older.  He asked if they were out of crowns and pretty dresses for his chubby baby princess (his words, not mine).  But when I saw the double scoop of ice cream I couldn't pass it up.  Well my cousin's husband apparently doesn't think that those costumes were child abuse because she dressed her daughter, who is Vettori's age, as an elephant.  She also got both of her daughter's ears pierced when they were little babies, which John also thinks is child abuse, so I'm hoping he doesn't call CPS on them...they are 2 for 2 now.

(Sorry the pic is so blurry, but it didn't transfer well from the text message)

Hope you had a Happy Halloween!  This was the most fun Halloween so far.  Jackson was beyond excited about his pumpkin that we carved and Dominick shared his enthusiasm.  They had fun at the pumpkin patch picking them out. 

Their smiles and enthusiasm continued all the way up until it was time to blow the candles inside the pumpkins out at the end of the night on Halloween.  They loved dressing up (3 times) and trick or treating and going to their school Boo Party.  I'm sure it's only going to get better as Vettori gets older and joins in the excitement.

This is them inspecting the pumpkins and fire. 

Even after we went in they were looking through the window at their works of art.

Until next time.....

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