On our way to the Texas State Fair a
I walk into Jackson's preschool class (about 8 months ago now) and there are pictures hanging up that they drew of their families. I look at the pictures of a couple of the kids that I know and think how cute the drawings of their parents and brothers and/or sisters are. Then I get to Jackson's and this is what I see
The first round circle with the 2 lines coming from it is labeled "whale". The second circle with the 2 lines coming from it is labeled "shark". And the last 2 short lines (no circle) is labeled "part of my mommy's legs." I guess the bright side is at least I'm recognized. No John, Dominick or Vettori present on that picture. I may be half eaten by a shark, but I'm there. That kid is a mystery. I have said before that he drives his own car in his own lane and I think that this reinforces that. And I'm pretty sure he's not going to be an artist. Who knows though. Dominick was not a good drawer or colorer (totally a word) when he was Jackson's age and now he draws very well. So Jackson may surprise us, but I'm not holding my breath.
Jackson's hair is kind of curly when it's long and it's very thick. Right now we are letting it grow a little. In the mornings his bed head is impressive.
Me: Jackson your hair is crazy
Jackson: No it isn't mommy. It's having a party.
I love that kid.
Most days I am pretty sure that despite my best efforts, I'm jacking my kids up. I am also sure that their future spouse's will say that exact thing at some point and blame me for any tiny little flaw that they find in them. I think they are awesome and I am positive that they will all at least have a good sense of humor. With that said, there are moments that I see a glimmer of hope that maybe we actually have this parenting thing right and also moments that melt my heart. This morning (actually this morning) Vettori gave my a huge hug that lasted a really long time and when she pulled away she looked at me and said "you're my best friend forever". Does it get any sweeter than that?
I know I basically just called this one in, but it's a start. I will try to do better with the next one...if there is a next one (cue the evil laugh...muh ha ha).
Until next time.......